

Access and Widening Participation


Campus Visits for Year 12

As part of our commitment to work with schoolsÌýin order to widenÌýaccess to UCL, we have put together a holistic offering for schools hoping to visit our campus.Ìý

Year 12 Campus Visits

We will work with you to organise a visit to the ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûcampus for a day of Higher Education-related activity for your school group. To ensureÌýour campus visits addressÌýthe needs of your students, we have developed threeÌýtypes of visits. We ask schools to chooseÌýtheÌýcampus visit type that would most benefit the specific needs of their students. You can see further information on each visit strand below.


The Aspiration Campus Visit will support your students'Ìýaspirations towards university, raise their awareness of university options, and allow them to meet current ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûstudents.Ìý

This visit type aims to increase students' confidence in making informed decisions about accessing higher education,Ìý³Ù´Ç increase knowledge about finding support and overcoming barriers associated with higher education, and to encourage students to feel that they will 'fit in' at university.

A typical Aspiration Campus Visit will coverÌý

  • Arrival at ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûMain Campus/Introduction (30 minutes)Ìý
  • 'Introduction to Higher Education' session (45 minutes)
  • Campus Tour with Student Ambassadors (30 minutes)
  • 'Student Journeys' & 'Overcoming barriers to HE' sessionsÌý

The Application Campus Visit has been developed for students at the end of Year 12 or the start of Year 13. The visit willÌýfocusÌýon application advice and guidance and willÌýprepare students to complete their university applications.

This visit type aims to increase students' understanding of what is expected of them in a university application. The visit also aimsÌýto increase students'Ìýconfidence in making informed decisions about choosing their preferred course and university options and writing their Personal Statements.

A typicalÌýApplication Campus Visit will cover:

  • Arrival at ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûMain Campus/Introduction (30 minutes)
  • 'Your Personal Statement' and 'Super-Curricular Engagement' sessions (80 minutes)
  • 'Student Application Journeys' session (30 minutes)
  • Campus Tour (30 minutes)
  • 'Question & Answer' session with Student Ambassadors (30 minutes)
Academic Awareness

The Academic Awareness Campus Visit is an exploratory day where students will participate in academic taster sessions and develop the study skills required for higher education.Ìý

This visit type aims to encourage students to consider how they learn best, to increase their understanding of what critical thinking means and its relevance to higher education, and to increase familiarity withÌýlearning at university.

A typicalÌýApplication Campus Visit will cover:

  • Arrival at ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûMain Campus/Introduction (30 minutes)
  • 'Learning to Learn'Ìýsession (60 minutes)
  • Taster Session 1 (60 minutes)
  • Taster Session 2 (60 minutes)

When selecting your Campus Visit type, please keep in mind the needs of your cohort of students.Ìý

How to bookÌý

To arrange a campus visit to ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûyou must complete our . Please note a minimum period of 4 weeks' notice is required for allÌýcampus visits.


Selection for campus visits is dependent on the team's availability, and the priority level of your school. The Access and Widening Participation Office determines the priority level of all state-funded secondary schools in England. This dataÌýis obtained from the Higher Education Access Tracker () service, and the data consists of combined Department for Education datasets. This allows us to prioritise schools based on their relevant disadvantage and attainment indicators. These indicators include Free School Meals, , and .

We must prioritiseÌýschools in categories Very High, and HighÌýwhich is determined by our Data & Impact team.

Upon completion of the booking form, we will assess your request and priority level, and aim to get back to you within 7 working days. If you are not eligible for one of our visits, we will signpost you to other departments and resources within UCL.

Data Collection

As a condition of campus visits, we must collect someÌýdata about the participating students.ÌýUniversity College London’s Access & Widening Participation Office collects personal information about students to run programmes and understand how well they work.Ìý

Teachers and students have the right to access the data held about them and to have it corrected if required. You can get further information about how the Access Team uses data on our website. If you would like to contact us with any questions or concerns about the data we hold or if you would like any further information please email us at wp-data@ucl.ac.uk.