

新香港六合彩开奖结果School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Centennial Celebration of Andrei Bely's Petersburg

23 November 2017, 6:30 pm鈥9:00 pm

Bronze Horseman, St Petersburg

Symposium to mark the centenary of the first publication of Petersburg by Andrei Bely. Dedicated to the memory of Dr Georgette Donchin.

Event Information

Open to



Dr Svetlana McMillin (新香港六合彩开奖结果School of Slavonic and East European Studies)


新香港六合彩开奖结果SSEES Room 433, 16 Taviton Street London WC1H 0BW

18.30 -19.00 鈥 Wine reception

19.00 -19.15 鈥 Tribute to Dr Georgette Donchin

19.15-21.00 鈥 Presentations and Discussions

Olga M.听Cooke, Moderator

Carol Anschuetz, 鈥淏ely鈥檚 Petersburg and the End of the Russian Novel鈥

Avril Pyman, "Kirill Sokolov Illustrates Bely's听Peterburg"

Brett Cooke, "Nabokov Reading Bely"

Anna Ponomareva, 鈥溾橩now Thyself鈥: from the Temple of Apollo at Delphi to the Pages of 鈥Petersburg

John Elsworth TBC

A seminar hosted by the 新香港六合彩开奖结果SSEES Russian Studies Seminar Series.

All Welcome! No registration required.

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