

ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûModule Catalogue


The Professional Assistant in Anaesthesia (SURG0186)

Key information

Faculty of Medical Sciences
Teaching department
Division of Surgery and Interventional Science
Credit value
Can only be studied by those in supervised employment as a nurse theatre practitioner.

Alternative credit options

There are no alternative credit options available for this module.


This module provides an academic foundation in support of nursing professionals assisting in the practice of anaesthesia for surgery. The module expands on an existing professional practice syllabus, to provide the student with an opportunity to explore a number of professional subject areas including, the legal, ethical and clinical governance aspects of anaesthetic practice, the preoperative preparation of patients undergoing anaesthesia, including an understanding of the mechanisms of action of anaesthetic drugs, and techniques regularly used in the operating theatre suite. Students will gain an appreciation and understanding of team dynamics, complex systems and the tenets of safe professional practice associated with modern anaesthesia.

Students will be required to produce documented evidence for professional development throughout the module by the writing of a professional practice portfolio, which will form the module assessment.

Module deliveries for 2024/25 academic year

Intended teaching term: Terms 1 and 2 ÌýÌýÌý Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
Methods of assessment
60% Dissertations, extended projects and projects
40% Coursework
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Miss Maria Carolina Britton
Who to contact for more information

Intended teaching term: Terms 2 and 3 ÌýÌýÌý Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
Methods of assessment
60% Dissertations, extended projects and projects
40% Coursework
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Miss Maria Carolina Britton
Who to contact for more information

Intended teaching term: Terms 3 and Summer period ÌýÌýÌý Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
Methods of assessment
60% Dissertations, extended projects and projects
40% Coursework
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Miss Maria Carolina Britton
Who to contact for more information

Last updated

This module description was last updated on 8th April 2024.
