

ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûModule Catalogue


Research Dissertation (PHAY0052)

Key information

Faculty of Life Sciences
Teaching department
School of Pharmacy
Credit value
Restricted to students studying MSc Advanced Pharmacy Practice

Alternative credit options

There are no alternative credit options available for this module.


The aim of this module is to equip pharmacists with research and evaluation skills needed to initiate, design, and lead pharmacy research projects. Pharmacists completing this module will develop a critical understanding and gain practical experience of: how to identify research and evaluation projects; define/refine research questions from initial ideas; design studies using appropriate research methods; data collection, data management and data analysis. Through completion of all stages of a research project, pharmacists studying via this route gain an in-depth understanding of the practicalities of conducting research, including meeting local research requirements, and engagement with local research experts and networks is strongly encouraged. Pharmacists are strongly encouraged to identify an area of research in collaboration with relevant individuals or teams in their workplace. One-to-one academic supervision is provided by leading ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûpharmacy practice researchers.

This module is completed by pharmacists on the pharmacy practice research route of the MSc in Advanced Pharmacy Practice, and can be completed in one to two years.

Module deliveries for 2024/25 academic year

Intended teaching term: Calendar Year ÌýÌýÌý Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
In person
Methods of assessment
100% Dissertations, extended projects and projects
0% Viva or oral presentation
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Ms Alison Innes
Who to contact for more information

Last updated

This module description was last updated on 8th April 2024.
