

ÐÂÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹ûModule Catalogue


Central and East European Migrants in the UK (SESS0048)

Key information

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Teaching department
School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Credit value
Before taking this module you must take SESS0013. Open to Year 3 and 4 only.

Alternative credit options

There are no alternative credit options available for this module.


Taking Poles as a case study, but also considering other nationalities, the module will explore the nature and significance of the East European presence in contemporary Britain. In recent years, Poles from all walks of life, of every age and from every corner of Poland have moved to the UK. The module considers the implications of this transplantation for Polish migrants themselves, for UK society and politics, and for Poland (understood as a transnational social space, not confined within the state borders of the Republic of Poland). Concepts important in the module will include transnationalism, ethnicity, diaspora, social cohesion, community and civil society. The first half of the module will focus mainly on Poles, examining e.g. civil society (the rapid construction of a web of non-political community organisations cf. much more limited trade union and political activism); employment, social mobility and socio-economic integration; and individual experiences of transnational lives and acculturation in the context of highly diverse UK society. Although less has been published about other nationalities, as far as possible comparisons will be made with other Central and East Europeans. The second half of the module will look at broader issues around social cohesion, attitudes towards migrants in the UK and the political context, and finally open still further to compare the experiences of Central and East Europeans in the UK to those in other countries in Western Europe and other continents.

Module deliveries for 2024/25 academic year

Intended teaching term: Term 1 ÌýÌýÌý Undergraduate (FHEQ Level 6)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
In person
Methods of assessment
100% Coursework
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Professor Anne White
Who to contact for more information

Last updated

This module description was last updated on 8th April 2024.
