

新香港六合彩开奖结果European Institute


Embodiment through dance

04 June 2024, 5:00 pm鈥7:00 pm


How can choreographic practice shed light on Black / African / Afro-European identities in Europe?

Event Information

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Olivia Scher


The Place
Founder's Studio
17 Duke's Rd

Festival of Afro-European Arts, Performance & Scholarship

How can choreographic practice shed light on Black / African / Afro-European identities in Europe?

Performance, video extracts and panel discussion convened and chaired by He虂le虁ne Neveu-Kringelbach (UCL) with performer, dramaturge and academic (De Montfort University) and choreographer .听Framed by the 20-min performance听The Blind Side by Funmi Adewole.

Framed by the 20-min performance The Blind Side by Funmi Adewole.

The Blind Side is a solo piece of movement theatre in which I play a teller of folktales struggling to tell a folktale. There is a space that joins 鈥楬eritage鈥 to present-day socio-cultural realities. In this space are the reasons why heritage is important and when this听 space is left unexamined, it becomes what I call 鈥榯he blind side鈥. The piece is informed by my experiences of telling African folktales in theatre, debating African politics in everyday life and engaging with the global arts and heritage industries at work. Poetic action is my favoured means of exploring the spaces between these places.'

Brixton House presents听on 1st June.听It Begins in Darkness is an environment for processing the fear, anger and confusion which arise from the histories of slavery and colonialism that haunt the present.听Conceived and directed by Seke Chimutengwende. Get tickets ahead of the Festival of Afro-European Arts, Performance & Scholarship at a听discount by entering this code: IBID10.